
Welcome to Club Penguin Roleplay Central, a blog by Club Penguin Central.

Friday, September 19, 2014

How to have fun at the school and skate party on Club Penguin

The school and skate party is cool, but it can be really boring if you don't know how to have fun in it.

The Skate Room
Unless you have really good internet, the skating room is super slow on abominable. If you want the room to even work, you have to go on less popular servers. That's why being an extrovert is important in this room.

The Mall
The Mall is probably the most fun room in the party. You can have fun being a cashier, a shopper, or even a robber. Just be sure you're not afraid to interact with others. 

The Park
You might think that this would be a boring room, but it can actually be fun. A great way to have fun is to work at the lemonade stand. Maybe, you can even have a simple conversation with someone. 

The School
To be honest, this is probably the most boring room. However, if you like "Prep Drama" you might want to consider it in this room. 

Thanks for reading, and have fun!     

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How to have fun at kingdoms on Club Penguin

Photo from Sundaze
Kingdoms on Club Penguin are very popular. Why? The roleplay value of course! Especially since there's such a wide range of options to be.

Creating an igloo for a kingdom can be tough, which is why most people go to other people's igloos. Heres a few tips on how to create a popular kingdom igloo. 

1. Use a backyard igloo or a split level igloo. 

2. Make the top level a palace and the bottom level a forest.

3. You may want to include an evil/ominous looking place in the forest.

4. You may also want to include a medow or a pond.

5. Make sure you advertise in the town when there isn't a party going on.

6. You can even make your kingdom have more RP value by participating in the story (IE: Putting in a dragon statue for penguins to battle) 

If you prefer to go to kingdoms then here's some tips for you:

1. If you're a royal, don't be shallow. Try to talk to other royals or maybe outlaws.

2. The same goes if you're an outlaw, talk to other outlaws or maybe royals.

3. Be creative! A lot penguins that gain attention are the ones that are neither royals nor outlaws. (EX: A fairy, a siren, even a doll!) Just make sure that it's something that gains attention and thet you can talk to others.

4. If you're evil be ruthless. Show no mercy. However, make it so you can be defeated, and maybe even able to reform. 

Remember, a popular igloo and a fun roleplay experience can sometimes depend on luck, so these tips may not work. However, they will definatly help. If you have any Kingdom RP tips, comment below!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The importance of being an extrovert

Chances are you've seen penguins (mostly on abominable) who say things like "Does makeup" or "makes coffee" when they're not really communicating with others. So, why exactly do they do this? Basically, it's an attempt at roleplay, and a bad one. They always feel like someone will join in on their story, which is usually not the case.

The root of the problem is that they're not being an extrovert. An extrovert is someone who is outgoing, and willing to join someone else's story. They're not really joining anyone else's story, they're just talking to themself.

Being an extrovert is key in roleplay. Roleplay is not fun without someone else.

Being an extrovert can be hard sometimes, especially if you're an introvert (someone who prefers to keep to themself) in real life. These tips should help you.

  • If you see someone saying things like "makes coffee" or other actions with no one listening like I mentioned earlier, chances are they want to roleplay. Therefore, if you join with them, they will probably be happy.
  • The worst they can do is say no or use the map to get somewhere else. There really isn't anything to be afraid of. 
  • If you're really shy, start slow. For example, if you see a penguin pretending to be a mermaid at the hidden lake, say something like "sees mermaid" and slowly say things like "takes picture of mermaid" and "wonders about mermaid". You could even pretend to fall and drown in the water so that the mermaid will save you.
  • Remember that roleplay is super fun and you might make a new friend by doing it.
By being an extrovert on Club Penguin, you will make your experience more fun for you and the person you're roleplaying with. 

The Pookie Debate

If you never herd of pookies, then where have you been? Pookies are penguins roleplaying as babies. Chances are you've seen them at the pet shop in more full servers like abominable.

Ever since pookies first arrived on the scene, they've been cery contrivesial. There have even been anti-pookie protests. However, are they really that bad? Maybe yes and maybe no.


  • They're annoying 
  • They take over the Pet Shop and decrese puffle sales
  • They're showing disrespect to real orphans 


  • They're just roleplaying
  • They might be kids and it's horrible to be mean to the,
  • There is no proof that Puffle sales are decresing 
  • You can easily ignore them
Despite that both sides of the argument are good, nothing is actually going to stop pookies or pookie haters. There still might even be anti-pookie protests in the future. It seems that Club Penguin is on the pookies' side because anyone who protests againts pookies might end up with a 72-hour ban. 

So what role do mumu's play in the pookie roleplay? A big one, actually. They might even be the root of a big problem. 

A big complaint is that pookies are picky. If they were real orphans, they wouldn't be as picky. However, it's not their fault. It's the mumu's fault. The standards for mumus are EXTREMELY high. Pookies expect mumus to be rich and "detailed". Pookies believe the richer the mumu, the better roleplayer they are.Perhaps mumus set extremely high standards for themselves when pookies arrived at the scene, causing a cycle.

The cycle is, mumus start adopting pookies by pretending to be rich and detailed. Other mumus see this and try to improve upon themself, making the standards for mumus higher and higher, therefore making the pookies expectations higher and higher. 

While it's mostly mumus' fault for setting such high standards, some pookies need to learn that a rich mumu doesn't necessarily equal a good roleplayer. Please, stop being picky. Chances are the best roleplayers are the ones you least expect!

Friday, August 29, 2014

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Hello and welcome to Club Penguin Roleplay Central! Brought to you by Club Penguin Central, this blog will be covering one of the best ways to have fun on Club Penguin: Roleplay

What is Roleplay?

Roleplay is when two or more penguins pretend to be in any sort of story or situation together.

Role=Chances are you play yourself or a character when roleplaying. You could be a pookie, princess, or even yourself and would count as your role.
Play=This is where the action comes in, what you do when your roleplaying. You could go to the store, solve a mystery, have a concert, or live a simulation of everyday life and they would all count as roleplaying. 

Roleplaying can have so many possibilities, and the fun comes from the fact that it's unscripted and unplanned; You may have a goal, but you're never exactly sure what will happen.

What part does it play in Club Penguin?

Roleplay is what makes Club Penguin Club Penguin. Most of the fun from Club Penguin comes from roleplaying. Being a Prep or Pookie are also forms of RP, even if they're controversial. 

How can I RP on club penguin?

All you have to do is find another penguin and start a story with them.

What's the point of this blog?

Everyone seems to have trouble roleplaying. No one really seems to be able to socialize on club penguin. That's where this blog comes in. This blog will cover multiple forms of roleplay, and give you guidelines to help you RP. With the knowledge of how to roleplay, it will be easier to have fun and make memories with Club Penguin.